A family affair

Curiosità Villa di Montruglio

It was 1864 when Fanny Fava, the wife of Count Luigi, bought Villa di Montruglio and it continues to this day to be owned by the Camerini family. Her son Paolo added to the grounds by planting trees which still stand more than one hundred years later, such as Lebanese cedars and cypresses.

Duke Paolo was also responsible for the path that winds through the grounds, delighting visitors as the Villa materialises unexpectedly in front of them. Later, the house passed to the only heir, Duke Luigi Silvestro, who received it as a gift from his grandmother Fanny when he reached adulthood.

It was Luigi who began to live in the Villa and in the 1940s he had bathrooms installed which had never been part of the villa up until that point. He then converted the stables into the current Sala delle Armi, the Room of Arms, which contains a collection of antique weaponry dating from the 1740s. When Duke Luigi Silvestro regained ownership of the property at the end of World War Two, after a long period of internment on the island of Ponza because of his anti-fascist position - he began major restoration works of the entire Montruglio complex which, during the conflict, had been used by a German general as his headquarters.

In the 1990s, it was his children Paolo Fulceri and Diana Lorena Camerini who took over the restoration work which continues to this date, not to mention the upkeep of the 11 hectares of vines from which the Villa produces Cabernet, Tai and Tai Rosso wines.

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Phone: +39 3515326867
Email: palazzina@villavalmarana.com
Vat n.. IT3981260247
Rea VI 369649

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www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it

Photographic and multimedia material:

Materiale proveniente dagli archivi fotografici e multimediali di:

  • La Serra di Villa Alpago-Novello
  • Villa Guarnieri
  • Villa di Modolo
  • Villa San Liberale
  • Villa Zugni Tauro de Mezzan
  • Castle Catajo
  • Castle San Pelagio
  • Giardino Monumentale di Valsanzibio
  • Palazzo Cortevigodarzere
  • Villa La Montecchia ed Emo Capodilista
  • Parco Frassanelle
  • Villa Roberti
  • Tenuta Ca' Zen
  • Villa Badoer
  • Castelbrando
  • Castle Roncade
  • Castle San Salvatore
  • Villa Rechsteiner
  • Villa Tiepolo Passi
  • Villa Foscarini Rossi
  • Villa Cariola
  • Villa Della Torre
  • Villa Guerrieri Rizzardi & Rambaldi Apartments
  • Villa Mosconi Bertani
  • Castle Thiene
  • Villa Valmarana ai Nani
  • Villa di Montruglio
  • Villa Stecchini
  • Villa Godi Malinverni


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